Carmine suffered from Postherpetic Neuralgia (PHN) of the Abdomen Flank for three years after Shingles. No one could help until she found Dr. Demetrio Aguila in Omaha, Nebraska. Dr. Aguila is one of only a handful of surgeons worldwide who can eliminate Postherpetic Neuralgia pain. Carmine calls Dr. Aguila "a genius." Watch her story and learn more about surgical solutions for PHN. ," Carmine suffered for three years with pain in her abdomen from Postherpetic Neuralgia (PHN) after Shingles. No one could help until she found Dr. Demetrio Aguila in Omaha, Nebraska. Dr. Aguila is one of only a handful of surgeons worldwide who can eliminate Postherpetic Neuralgia pain. Carmine calls Dr. Aguila "a genius." Watch her story and learn more about surgical solutions for PHN.
"My name is Carmine, and I am from Indiana. I was suffering from Postherpetic Neuralgia. It was difficult to drive, difficult to go to work, and it was difficult to be with my family and go places. It was very frustrating because the doctors I went to did not know how to help me. They said if you have PHN, there is no cure, and you have to learn to live with it and take narcotic medication. I tried various therapies like acupuncture, two nerve blocks, and medication. Finally, after three years of suffering, she found Dr. Demetrio Aguila, a pain-focused surgeon who specializes in Postherpetic Neuralgia. Dr. Aguila: "Her chronic growing pain in her abdominal and flank pain seems to be due to a case of Shingles that occurred several years ago and then left her with chronic pain afterward. She had pain that started on her flank and wrapped around her back and also down toward her groin area. Her pain seems to involve what we call the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves. Dr. Aguila gave her a nerve block and temporarily turned off the affected nerves. After the nerve blocks, she was delighted that she didn't have any pain and said when can we do surgery? Dr. Aguila: "In surgery, disconnected those nerves from the source of the pain, which, according to some recent research, isn't the nerve root, which is the classical teaching because that's where the virus that causes shingles lives. It lives in the nerve root right next to the spinal cord. There's more recent research suggesting that the problem is not at the nerve root but where the nerve and skin connect and that there's either damage to the skin where this nerve in the skin connects or damage to the nerve where the nerve in the skin connect or damage to both where they connect. She came back for her follow-up. She just had surgery a few days ago, and she says she feels fantastic. Carmine: "Find ways to educate yourself, whether on the Internet or trying YouTube, which I highly recommend." Aguila: "To my knowledge, only a small number of us here in the United States offer permanent surgical solutions for Postherpetic Neuralgia. I, Dr. David Brown, Dr. Eric Williams, and Dr. Tim Tollestrup. Carmine: "My experience with Dr. Aguila has been just wonderful. He's very caring, and I call him a genius doctor. If you can take a chance and want to come to Nebraska, I highly recommend it." Dr. Aguila and Total Pain Solutions